Sunday, May 2, 2010

Orcas Island Reflection

Orcas Yoga retreat started this year on Earth Day April 22nd.

Our first activity was to journal a few leading questions to ponder throughout the day.
What is earth day to You?What does it stir in you?
What can you welcome today? What can you release today?
Where can you unite and have union today with the earth?

During our first Yoga practice we opened ourselves to the Powerful Pranic Flow. We experienced the state of Flow when we drop into the trust and merging of action and awareness by focusing on the task at hand(difficult pranyama exercises) By focusing our attention in a pure involvement without concern for outcome,and a sense of self forgetfulness and a heightened state of Flow was obtained.

When we know that we are full and complete is when we there is both everything and nothing residing together.
The emptiness is so full, that all wants and desires linger until they are nothing.
It is in the state of Flow, it is in the full presence of Welcome.
Welcome without condition.
The place that does not ask why or how.
The place where life is allowed to unfold
It does not stand in the way of life, nor try to change it in any way.
Give yourself Love to all that you wish to change and alter,even if it dresses up as a "goal" or an "intention". Give it Love and let it BE!
To all the ideas and identities we hold close,we grasp and cling to.
Give them room to transform you into the unknown of welcoming tomorrow.
Welcome everything we love and hate, everything we dislike and enjoy, everything we have as a mere preference. Keep going until you can be neutral. Welcome all
you are not to play here, you are not to fix or change here, this place is reserved for you when you are ready to just BE


Day two we got down to business with satya truthfulness, looked inward to the places we hold back, half truths , deceit in any way....and then Emptying commitment to emptying ourselves. More Prana...udiyda Bhanda.

Be like the earth

Its beauty evident each and every day.
Great diversity of
Always content, Always here to be of service and to be appreciated.
Patiently orchestrating the NOW
Not wanting change simply flowing with its inevitability.
We call to you today Earth to speak to us so we can each hear and know our likeness.
So we can be in our human Form with you more intimacely from this day forward and into tomorrow.
Our final few days were moving into the teachings of Dyhana the stay of ease and flow as we emptied into our most intimate selves. we spoke, dance, shared cried and moved together ....just a few steps deeper into our intimate relationships........WOW so sweet and so necessary!

The Water that washes me Deep

We live on the rivers and by the Sea.
Knowing the essential nature of water to our physical existence.
Here now this morning feel the eventual washing and emptying of our conditioned thoughts and identity in the presence of the great Ocean waters.
Our minds create a constriction and our hearts close in and weaken the FLOW.
With Grace, laughter, Joy, movement we gossle and free up what has to move along and dissipate into the emptying we know is essential.
Emptying and Emptying so that the restriction, the tightness, the closing in, and edginess is smooth, open, calm and flowing wide with intimacy deep!
Our Practice is for You Great Pacific Ocean!


This rereat was an amazing time for me ...working with Jen, Connie, Anna, Vickie and Karen......enriching and deepening our willingness to step into the STATE OF FLOW.
Dance, song, food, tears and hugs.......I could not ask for more

Full and empty all at the same moment!

Thank you all for being so open willing and very, very special!

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