Friday, October 3, 2008

welcome to my Blog

Welcome to October, I am just so amazed that this wonderful website is here! It has come together like a favorite recipe or a spontaneous walk with friends.... such ease and synchronicity....its magical. My friends and neighbors have supported me in so many ways that I can just feel such a deep gratitude.

We are here to collect our thoughts and share in the teachings that are around us in every way, and in everything! I am here to proclaim that I have had many profound teachers in my life.....but what inspires me most is the everyday people in my life. The middle aged man struggling up the road on his first week of his new fitness regime, the little child stopping to really look at nature on a trail, a friend who looks deep into your eyes and pushed away all distractions and agendas to truly listen to your concerns.....this is what inspires me, and teaches me each and every day.

I believe we can read and we can digest knowledge and hear wisdom from those who have gone before us....but to me the greatest wisdom comes through those who live their lives, with Passion, Compassion and Integrity.

I look forward to posting blogs often so we can chew on some thoughtful ideas and share some light from your own experiences and passions.

These blogs will also give those of you attending my retreats a forum to discuss and visit and share your experiences to help deepen and maintain the connects we develop in our time together.

We share in Sukha


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